
The Arogya Foundation for the Disabled was born to support disabled people in Sri Lanka enables people with disabilities to improve their life skills. Founded three years ago, the Foundation continues to render their service all over the country and nearly 150 patients have been received necessary medical equipments such as crutches, walking sticks, wheel chairs, etc. The Foundation is a non-profit organization, founded by Rev Unapana Ariyadhamma Thero and registered in Sri Lanka in year 2008.

Register No : L-134405

Tel : (+94) 113-175 889 email : web :

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

A humble request for financial assistance for a Sri Lankan Buddhist Monk to get medical treatments from Singapore.

Dear Venerable Sir ,Madam,

I am a Buddhist monk sustained spinal code injuries due to a motor accident in 1989 and permanently incapacitated but recovered at a considerable degree on medical treatments obtained from Dr.Prem Pillay Neurosurgeon of the Mount Elizabeth Medical center in Singapore. Recommending continuation of periodical treatments. Hence the next periodical Medical treatment is due during November 2015.
I am very very grateful to all my local and foreign donors / friends who are always with me and their unconditional Support is very much valuable for my Journey through out. Only because of their generous Support I get my Medical treatments annually. I again and again thankful for them for their generous support rendered to me .
Specially I want to mention here that I am very grateful to Doctor Prem Pillay the Neurosurgeon of Mount Elizabeth Medical center for the certain medical treatment and medicines I get free of charge. It’s a great relief for me.
Hence may I humbly request from those of my friends who would like to extend a helping hands to contribute for my expenses required to cover the cost of air fare (Two return air tickets) , medical expenses (checkups additional medical reports on requirement) transport and travelling and accommodation for me and my assistant.
This amount may be contributed on a sharing basis or on individual capacity as a meritorious act of helping a Buddhist monk with physical disability to improve his condition on health.
For further information about me you invited to Visit:
For your convenience the mode of payment is given below:
Name: Rev. Unapana Ariyadhamma
A/C Number: 8853256501 - Commercial bank of Ceylon Plc.
Address: No:154, High Level Road, Maharagama, Sri Lanka
Tel: 0094112850505
Branch Code: 7056-018

诸位法师, 居士们,
贫僧在1989年的一场车祸意外造成严重背椎损伤。 幸好在新加坡伊丽莎白医院神经外科披莱医生的治疗下恢复到相当的程度。 但是还是需要长期的治疗及每年到新加坡做医疗检查而下个医疗检查是11月份。 贫僧非常感恩斯里兰卡及海外的捐助者及朋友们的无私捐赠支持以便让贫僧能够完成每年的医疗。 贫僧特别要感谢提起披莱医生在很大程度上所提供的免费医疗及药品, 这 对贫僧来说减轻很大的负担。贫僧在此恭谦地请求诸位居士,朋友们捐助贫僧及同行照顾贫僧的另一位法师的往返飞机票, 医疗报告, 路费及住宿费用。 诚心祈愿您们通过个人或和其他朋友一起捐赠贫僧的医疗费用。 您们的善行将帮助一位身体有残障的出家僧人改善状况, 功德无量。 您们如果想更进一步了解贫僧及贫僧所设立的阿慈善基金会, 请点网站
Name: Rev. Unapana Ariyadhamma
A/C Number: 8853256501 - Commercial bank of Ceylon Plc.
Address: No:154, High Level Road, Maharagama, Sri Lanka
Tel: 0094112850505
Branch Code: 7056-018